понедельник, 11 января 2016 г.

Online layout of rooms and apartments for every

Closing his eyes before going to bed, many housewives (and not only) to mentally rearrange the furniture in your room, install a new shower and a Jacuzzi in the bathroom, repaint the walls in the kitchen and clean it all bored doorway into the corridor ... And spring will still face the problem repair - and nightstand not intermeddle where imagined and green tiles is not combined with blue curtains and a shower there in the shops ...

We suggest you consider the idea of ​​creating a website, which will be available online layout of the room. Those who are "on you" with programs such as Archicad or 3D-editor like the site to anything. Yes, there is a lot of both paid and free programs to help arrange the furniture, to mark the layout and try different colors wallpaper. But free most often something but not enough, and are often paid in the acquisition does not make sense - why pay that kind of money for 1-2 projects? ..

Online layout of the room with the help of your site will be available to any user. Since it can be made directly on the site (in any browser), on Windows, or Mac OS. Agree, this programmer and hacker not be necessary.

Of course, visitors should be able to line layout of the room for each "build" it is my apartment to the nearest centimeter. Take care that the range of furniture was as widely as possible. Presents furniture from different manufacturers and stores, indicating the cost and recalling the shop. Even if you have not signed an agreement with online shopping furniture, plumbing and building materials, they do not give up free advertising, and later, with the successful development of your online scheduler apartments, advertisers will find you themselves and will pay money for something that you recommend them furniture. The site visitor must be able to each cabinet (bedside table, carpet, table, etc.) set the required parameters - height, length, depth, texture and color.

All your favorite 3-D projects (both own and finished) the visitor can print directly from the site. With the sight of all the possible options for the layout of rooms in printed version is much easier to select your potential customer.

Also, plus your site will be on-line consultation interior designer. It is enough to find an intelligent designer and invite him to work remotely - because it is not necessary to go to the office to work on schedule and depend on the authorities. His salary will depend on high-quality advice in the "question and answer" on the site, in Skype or ICQ.

Create a site category, which will be posted articles to help those who are going to make repairs. For example, how to choose the right colors for the bedroom (nursery, kitchen ...), which is better - wallpaper or plaster? etc. This will increase traffic to your site and let people more easily when the answers to all their questions are on one site, rather than ten different.

It would be good if you give the opportunity to register users to upload their own versions of space planning and discuss the existing ones, consult.

You can put the works of famous designers and interesting options of ready layouts of apartments or private rooms.

Ideally, if you can specify the value of each item of the interior and giving the address of shop where you can buy it. In the future, with the successful cooperation with the shops, customers can order all items that are used for online layout of the room, from your site with one click. It will be convenient to shopping and that will cooperate with you, and you, as a visitor of your online scheduler will not have to rummage through the Internet in search of the necessary goods.

So feel free to register a domain and are planning a room online! For a start you can start with a plan of his own apartment online

четверг, 7 января 2016 г.

Working with the main objections for Dummies

All of us are faced with objections. For some, it is a reason to give up and realize that we are not the product is sold and not the season, and in fact everything is not as it is necessary to sell. Someone considers the objections as a reason for the negotiations, and it works with objections begin multimillion delivery. As management experience and the experience of my colleagues, I made a list of the main objections (of course a lot more, but these are the most common).

Expensive / competitor cheaper

That is, the client estimates the benefits derived cheaper price of the goods.

You can make a difference in the prices of a competitor to the exponential trifle. For example: let our product more expensive for 3000 rubles. If you count the difference on the day, we get about 100 rubles a day. For your client a serious amount of money? The difference of 100 rubles a day for a month for a German product that has the approval of the leading manufacturers of equipment.

Option: it is not satisfied? Price or cost? (99% can not understand the question.) It is necessary to ask the question: "Do you be interested in our offer, through which you can save ...?"

Option: offer more interesting conditions for the acquisition of goods (eg, delay).

There suppliers / do not need anything

From suppliers there are situations when there is no product available. And proven by many years the supplier may leave his client without a product, and then threatened production stop, multi-million dollar losses and problems for decision-makers in person.

This situation can be avoided by having an alternative supplier.

Hearing objection - there are vendor - offer to become an alternative supplier, and thus insure against non-delivery. And to ensure the quality of products can be offered to try your product is not in full supply, and for example, in one type of equipment.

I thought about it and call you back

It is necessary to ask the question of how exactly will think? Try to talk with the interlocutor that he called the things that confuse him, and offer a customized proposal or feasibility report, with specific answers to these questions. Also in this proposal described acquired gain.

For myself important to understand that the client does not object to her from harm, but only because there are questions about your proposal. Think of objections as clues from the client, the client tells you how to do it under its sharpened requirements offer.
How to become a billionaire. Step-by-step instruction.

Most of the funds is in the hands of billionaires and millionaires, why it happens and how to change your life for the better. Robert Kiyosaki talks about the CASHFLOW Quadrant, but in order to succeed, you need to change radically. Change yourself and the world will change, we see the world as what we do. Man sees himself in the other person.

In this article, we will open the 7 secrets that have been tested repeatedly and showed good results.

Secret №1: Thinking Like a Billionaire

1. To get something, you need to get it in your mind. If you can not imagine yourself a billionaire, you never will be.
2. Do not turn to jump above their level of thinking.
3. Stop thinking like a poor person. Impoverished way of thinking for the poor.
4. Start to think like a billionaire - is to change your thinking. Changes will occur if you make a great effort.
5. Billionaires do what brings them success, others - what they want.
6. Billionaires like cleanliness and order in the affairs and documents in the workplace and at home.
7. Rich people read books and magazines, which can find information for further business development and thinking.
8. Organize a workplace that inspires you to work.

Secret №2: Find your ideal

1. To become wealthy you must communicate with the wealthy. The most simple - to find your ideal, which has already earned a billion, and to learn from him.
2. Responsibility choose billionaire. Stay on that has a lot to learn.
3. The main rule - you need a mentor, not you to him.
4. If you happen to see him, sit at his feet and catch his every word.
5. Choose a mentor in every area.
6. Read a book, watch training great people.

Secret №3: Remember the principles of life

1. Do unto others as you would like them do unto you.
2. To succeed, you need to be who you want to be and do what brings you joy.
3. You can not beat a man until he accepts defeat.
4. Losses and failures - your best friends.
5. If you want something you never had, you must do what is never done.
6. Do not be afraid to ask for help.
7. Do you want to be a billionaire, dress like a billionaire.
9. Do not borrow money in debt to friends.

Secret №4: Write your dream home and read it every day.

1. Dream - then how to begin a billionaire.
2. The dream can come true, if every day to take small steps in her direction.
3. The dream is to inspire and push you forward to its implementation.
4. The time will come and will have to choose either the risk or poverty, do not miss this opportunity to make the right choice.
5. Virtually all the billionaires before earn his billions, went bankrupt several times, it is normal to receive important lessons, and not to step on the same rake.
6. Do only what brings you closer to the dream.

Secret №5: Focus

1. Develop a single direction, which gives you pleasure.
2. The cause of all problems - lack of focus.
3. Each billionaire does something better than the rest.
4. You will stagnate until sfokusirueshsya.
5. devoted himself to this activity, become an expert in this field.
6. Every day we have to choose, no one can blame you and look after you for your choice, the main thing that he swallowed you whole.

Secret №6: Put the right targets

1. The purpose of helping to go in the right direction.
2. Define goals daily.
3. Set priorities for various purposes (to be done, suffer tomorrow, extra).
4. Set goals for the year, month, week, day.
5. The objective should be realistic and achievable.
6. The goal is to have the start and end of its implementation.
7. Write goals in a visible place.
8. Do not install too few goals, but do not forget about the item 5.

Secret №7 (final): Change your daily routine

1. Know how much you money.
2. A day without goals - a day lived in vain.
3. Time - the most valuable and non-renewable resources.
4. Change your daily routine, and you'll change your life.
5. Billionaires do what others do only when they are forced to.
6. Sleep 7 hours a day. An hour of sleep before 00.00 replaces 2 hours after.
7. Good habit great benefit, desire - only a momentary pleasure.

понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.

10 most unusual company rules Zappos

Online shoe store Zappos, which grew over 10 years from a company with an office in the bedroom in a multibillion-dollar corporation, is considered to be in business with corporate culture №1 in the world. Western leaders and managers when they want to describe the style of business, honed on the power of corporate culture often say all sorts of expressions such as «Zappos-like» or «Zappos-style».
And really - I read a lot of books about the construction of the interaction of the atmosphere within the company, and all of them put Zappos as an example and role model. And the books are full of examples of the special rules, laws and customs of the corporate atmosphere of the giant shoe that really surprised. That, in my opinion, the 10 most interesting ones:

1. When you receive a job offer from the applicant does not require a story about his achievements in the same place of work. On the contrary, he is asked to talk about their mistakes, to tell the story of life. The interview is more like a meeting in the "Lonely Hearts Club" - in a small room decorated in the grand style, the music, there are tables with drinks and refreshments. HR-managers and applicants are free to move and communicate in the mode of reception.

2. After hiring all employees must pass a four-month training course. Applicants study the history of Zappos, together go hiking and traveling. Every employee from the janitor to the CEO should be two weeks to work in the call center "on the phone" - in order to better understand the company's customers.

3. On the first day of the training to all candidates company offers to pay $ 2,000 if they refuse to work immediately in Zappos. According to statistics, it goes one.

4. The company carefully maintains and develops the unusual atmosphere in the office. Each employee can arrange your work place as he wants. Some arrange the tables in the real minimalism, others put in the office of the bed and sleep on it in moments of fatigue - creative employees no limits, on the contrary, the company pays for repairs. The office can be found Zappos walking robots offering popcorn, golf course and much more. That's one of the photos of the company's office.

5. Anyone can visit the office of Zappos, located in Las Vegas - it needs to make an excursion to the site. Even if a tour is written only one person behind it is still a special bus will be sent directly to the aircraft (it happened once). The office can be photographed and to touch anything, you can communicate with all employees and go to all rooms. You can even look to the CEO Tony neck. All visitors to the office for a few hours become employees of Zappos and can feel at home.

6. When you enter the internal network from Zappos employees is asked not only login and password. On the photo also appears every employee, randomly selected from a database - you need to enter his name. Of course, in case of an error the employee still gets into the network, but within the company conducted its own rating of knowledge of employees.

7. All employees can express their vision of corporate culture, to talk about his life in Zappos, share stories. All the stories fall into a special book «Zappos Culture Book». This book can get for free, anyone - the company will send you by mail. For a book to write an email to ceo@zappos.com. Yes, you read that right - a postal address CEO Tony neck. Incidentally, I wrote him a letter and spoke with assistant Tony, Stephanie. Stefan said that is a small group of "post Ninja" Tony, because Neck day comes more than 2,000 letters, and he no longer cope. Of course, my copy of the book I have already sent.

8. The company offers its suppliers and partners to the special web service that allows you to keep track of everything financial and logistical performance of the company. Suppliers see the sales data, load warehouses, shipment of shoes and more. This creates an atmosphere of complete openness incredible confidence - not in vain in the queue to enter into contracts with Zappos cost tens of brands.

9. On the table every employee has a set of cards that offered to send buyers shoes. Employees Zappos customers just want a pleasant journey, interested in the quality of shoes and asked about possible problems.

10. Employees are trained call-center to give maximum information on any issues and to be as useful as possible, regardless of concerns the question of the shoe or Zappos. Once Tony Hsieh joke called the support of his own company, slightly drunk voice call operator her address and asked where he could close order a pizza. Five minutes later, he had a few addresses and phone numbers of pizzerias.
Indeed, Zappos - a company with amazing corporate culture, and its features are not limited to the list above - these "chips" hundreds, if not thousands. No wonder that in November 2009, Zappos was bought by Amazon for $ 1.2 billion. Experts say that the computer giant was interested not so much online store selling shoes, as an opportunity to join the corporate culture №1 in the world.

7 rules of life that is worth living

Rule one: Never allow others to indicate how you live.

Not your parents. None of your second half. Neither your children. By controlling your life, you can avoid the interference of others, but the final decision should be yours only. This means that the choice of profession, relationships with people, your religion and way of life will be determined only you and no one else.
This rule is particularly relevant when you begin to overcome doubt. Do not let doubt become your weakness, which will benefit other people.

Rule two: Do ​​not let yourself get attached to things.

The world is filled with junk. Do not let trash obstruct the way to something important. If you start to get attached to things, you stop to manage their lives. Ask yourself if you need to catch up with his dream of tomorrow will have to drop 90% acquired, you can do it easily? If you hesitate, then perhaps you are not able to manage their lives because of this his weakness as an attachment to things.

Rule Three: Wield money. Do not let money rule over you.

Money - a tool with which you can manage your life. You can use the money to provide facilities for the opportunity to pay attention to the important work of education and training. But if you live paycheck to paycheck, it means that the money is controlled by you.
Here are a few goals that you can put yourself to learn how to manage money in your life:
• Set the amount of the estimated annual expenditures.
• You must spend less than you earn.
• Be able to, if necessary, to significantly reduce their costs.
Financial freedom does not mean that you can buy everything that you would either want, or to live in luxury. This means that the money - it is a tool with which you manage your life, not what prevents to manage it.

Rule Four: You need relationships with others.

You know people who can not bear the loneliness? They get rid of one unsuitable due only to start another such inappropriate.
Why? Because they are very dependent on other people. They can not exist without emotional and possibly financial support.
In any relationship, you have to be a person that will be in the foreground. This means that you can enjoy some relationship, but you do not have to do them end in itself.
What are your goals and the ability to control their own lives should be formed to relationships in which you are entering. It's amazing, but when you do so, then your relationship is becoming stronger and more intimate because they have no jealousy and sense of ownership.

Rule Five: Never change his mind, depending on other people's opinions.

"You can divide the food among people, but everyone has to digest it myself", - said Howard Roark from the movie "The Originator".
Manage your life - it means to be the master of his views. This means never agree to anything without thinking and deciding for themselves what it really is true. Everything in life Argue critically. You are surrounded by so many thoughtless thoughts that try to thrust you right in the head, and, most likely, it is sometimes possible.

Rule Six: The whole thing is lacking to you, you can learn.

Never assume that something in this life you can not afford. People just say no, you are not smart enough willpower, physical force or charisma to do something worthwhile? Do not pay attention to them. You said yourself that you have no talent? Do not pay any attention to themselves.

Rule Seven: The purpose is generated based on your creative skills.

You want to know what the purpose of your life? Everything is very simple. Pull the front of the hand and squeeze them. Then take a look at them. That is your purpose and means of promoting it.

воскресенье, 13 декабря 2015 г.

Production of crushed stone and colored decorative crumbs

Colorful decorative gravel and aggregates are used in landscape design, to create a favorable climate in terrariums and aquariums. Production of colored gravel and chips is quite profitable, as unpainted option - feedstock - is much cheaper than the final version.

The raw material used rubble marble, granite or marble chips, or as gravel or sand.

The main consumers:

Individuals who use a building stone for the arrangement of adjacent territories;
public organizations and services for the decoration of the city landscaping lawns and flowerbeds;
companies that perform specific work on the creation of the landscape;
Organization of funeral services, operating arrangement cemetery plots;
pet owners who buy colored gravel and chips for natural climate aquariums and terrariums;
owners of pet stores everything for a spectacular setting.
The technology of manufacture of colored gravel, decorative crumbs

The macadam is suitable as a raw material fraction of 10 to 30 mm, and for imparting color can be used various paints, and various binders. The principle of manufacturing products does not involve any complicated operations that result get enough demand in modern construction material for the creation of landscape design - multi-colored stone.

1) It is assumed purchase specially selected raw stones middle fraction in the range of 10 to 30 mm. When buying a particular fraction of rubble is not necessary to further its sorting. The material is stored in a silo, where necessary, as it is shipped with the purpose of painting. To use the batch shipment shovel. Storage rubble without cover is not recommended, as the clogged pores of the stone, and suffers the quality of painting. For applying the paint is necessary to provide a clean and dry surface material. Assuming the volume of transport, which is often carried out by KAMAZ, the one-time supply of the goods equal to the amount of about 14 m (10 m3).

2) Delivered rubble or chips are placed into the hopper for the painting, which can perform the function of a concrete mixer. If the standard volume is 0.7 cube mixers, and it is not filled to the brim, and a little above half the rubble occupies approximately 0.5 cube. In one container to the material is added to the paint. To get 2 tons of finished material for a change, a concrete mixer must fulfill three cycles. Reducing the amount of raw material loaded into the mixer is inappropriate: profitability has declined, as to produce the same volume of finished products require more cycles of the cement mixer. In practice it looks as follows: 0.2 cube need to run 6 times to get the result of 2 tons (in this case a cube gravel / aggregate is 1.41 m).

3) Next phase begins painting rubble or crumbs. Start time mixers is no more than 15 minutes. Upon completion of the coloring material must dry by using, for example, a gas gun.

4) Further, if used, for example, granite chips, then it is sieved through a vibrating screen. Ideal to use a sieve with a tray.

After staining every stone must have a uniform color and be clean. If we compare the normal and painted rubble, the difference is as follows: a ton of painted color - 22-24 thousand. Rub., And a ton of unpainted - 1000 rubles. Of course, the buyer will carefully analyze the quality of the products, so avoid negligence in drying technology unnecessarily.

5) Ready-colored gravel or decorative crumb warehoused, using for this purpose the same bunker for the storage of raw materials. About storage of expensive products without packaging and protective coating can be no question. His packed in dry and clean.

6) Packaging. Conventional packaging - bags intended for cargo from 5 to 20 kg. The packaging process is done manually and with the assistance of an auxiliary tool (shovel). Filled bags zarubtsovyvayutsya using Stitching mechanism.

Equipment for the production of colored gravel and decorative crumbs

Production of multi-colored gravel does not require a large capital investment, if used ready-made raw materials.

The equipment includes:

Bunker №1 (for raw materials);
concrete mixer (for painting);
vibrating (for screening);
Bunker №2 (for finished products);
a device for sewing bags.
Equipment is selected with the maximum efficiency and lowest cost.

Two hopper for bulk materials with a capacity of 10 m3 will cost 300 000 rubles; Mixer domestic production - 200 thousand rubles; vibrating - 40 000 rubles; Stitching device (preferably Belgian) - 40 000 rubles.

The above set of equipment for the manufacture of colored gravel is designed for a product in a volume of 10 m3 per shift. On the basis of spaciousness mixers, for example, the brand Prof-BS700, produce 0.7 m3 of production for a quarter of an hour, and the drying time of each batch of about 5 minutes to get more fail.

Accessories and consumables

For dyeing dye and stone requires at least two shovels, designed for the shipment of raw materials into the mixer, out of it - in a shaker, and then - in a product silo. If the cost of a shovel about 300 rubles, four shovels will cost 1200 rubles.

Since paint binders may be different, and the prices are different. Most likely, you will have to experiment with the dyes to find the best option for your business for the production of colored decorative stones.

Painted gravel or grit is packed in 20 kg per bag. Thus, the monthly need about 2 000 bags worth 9000 rubles a month.
                  Follow 8 simple rules Sales

Sellers are not born, they become. And judging by the fact that each of us has a bad experience with vendors, many of them are not out of love for the art of sales.

Those who trade only on duty, did not focus on the process and the result. Hence, there is the eternal confrontation seller and the buyer, one wants to sell and the other does not want to sell him.

But those sellers that love their job, know that the sale - is a fun and exciting game, when to play it by the rules. What do you think, who sets the rules? - That's right: the one who pays. But everybody wins. Want to sell effortlessly? Follow 8 simple rules of sales.

Sales Rule №1. Use the first move
You as the seller has an invaluable advantage of the first move, and the initiative to communicate with the client it should come from you. As soon as the visitor entered the store, let him know that he - Your welcome.

Buyer enough 7 seconds to decide whether you can be trusted. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Your respect for the customer is manifested in everything: how you look, how to stay and talk.

Sales Rule №2. Do not judge a buyer
Every client deserves to be respected and served at the highest level. The habit to assess the buyer of his appearance can be expensive. As said Harry Friedman, a fan wonders whether the visitors will make a purchase. A professional knows that they buy, it's only what and how much.

The visitor can be pleasant or unpleasant, but whether it will be the buyer, it depends on you. When a customer does not like you, decide what is stronger: love or money do not like the client.

The buyer is sure that he is always right. Your experience, certainly tells you otherwise, but think about how much money you can lose, proving him wrong client? And is your task to judge and not to serve the customer?

Sales Rule №3. Think like a customer
In order to provide the best service, you should start to think like a customer. It's just because you are buying for yourself, too. What do you expect to communicate with the seller? Careful attention to your problem and options to solve it, is not it? Your customers want the same.

When you start to think like a customer, you will act as a client, and it will help you to overcome the resistance. Tirelessly ask yourself the question: "What and how can I do better if I do the maximum for each customer?" The same question you can address your customers see - he will not leave them indifferent.

Sales Rule №4. Help to buy, not sell
Customers whose expectations are not met, you had to come back. You might argue that the buyer does not know what he wants. And there is. Therefore it is very important to give the visitor enough time and attention in order to understand their needs. When a customer sees your sincere desire to help, it opens in front of you.

And do not try to cheat or lie, the customer always feels deception. I would also like to warn you against excessive frankness: no spoken conspiratorial tone, "I will tell you a secret," should not be - it just alert the buyer.

Sales Rule №5. Speak the language of the client
Shines to the purchaser for his deep knowledge and pour professional terms - not the best way to impress him. None of us likes to look stupid. And the visitor is much easier to refuse to buy than to admit that he is something I do not know.

Is not it easier, selling paint, tell the customer that the cover is easily and evenly applied, odorless, dries quickly and keeps the color, instead of explaining chemical reactions and draw benzene rings?

Sales Rule №6. Respect the customer's choice
The customer can buy what your opinion is no longer fashionable or tasteless. The worst thing you can do - is to begin to sneer or to challenge the choice of the buyer. Categorical attitude toward the visitor with the position: "What you see in this?" Will bring you the benefits.

Not every visitor is looking for your advice and approval. Give the customer the freedom to fly as he wants and what he wants.

Sales Rule №7. Develop self-confidence
In order to help visitors to buy, you must be confident in the fact that the selling. Customers will not trust you if you do not have the inner strength that gives you what you look like, how well you know the product and are targeting in prices. Your confidence will convince buyers that they made the right decision.

Sales Rule №8. Give the customer the joy
Sales - is, first and foremost, the energy and emotion. Enthusiasm, openness and good mood - that's what gives the customer real pleasure of shopping. Most importantly, the visitor walked away from you in a better mood than come, no matter, he made a purchase or not. After all, a good attitude - this is what customers will remember the longest.